IN-HOUSE outreach is ensuring Sunday as well as,  Wednesday night services are able to happen. IN-HOUSE outreach isn't just something that takes place during service times, it  is also the church's response to  those in the church body  who are experiencing tragedy or overwhelming situations, as well as taking care of our widows,  assisting single parents, orphans, the unemployed, or homeless.

"All of you together are the one body"

We believe there is no great divide between the "ministers" and the "congregation". Everyone has something they can do to impact the lives of others in the Kingdom of God. From our  perspective, every member of Northridge is a minister, every person is gifted in some area, and every task is important.  To discover your gifting, your  purpose and the things that align with your passion, you can start the journey of discovery by attending Growth Track.
"Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities.... and there are different kinds of service to God [ministry]...All of together are the one Body of Christ and each of you are a separate and necessary part of it "      
   1  Corinthians 12:4-5 & 27 

 In-House Outreach Opportunities 

  • Baptism Team
    • Baptisms take place throughout the year. Our baptism team prepares for "Northridge's Baptism Day",  with setting up, hosting and tearing down all components needed to for baptisms.
  • Campus Support Team
    • Our Campus Support team works to maintain and support every area of our Church. Mostly assisting with the collection and removal of trash after each service. This team may also  assist with replacing light bulbs, spotting checking parking lot and removing any debris or trash. 
  • Cherish Team 
    • Works together to assist with the widows within our church, establishing activities that caters to them and  provides opportunities for widows to connect and develop one on one relationships. 
  • Coffee Team
    • A team that is passionate about people, willing to arrive early and prepare gallons of coffee for the church. Simply assisting coffee drinkers as they find and fill there coffee, while conversing  and keeping coffee bar in proper order.
  • Creative Team
    • A team dedicated to Social Media posts, capturing photos during the day of services, events and special moments.
  • First Responders
    • Those who are in the career of health care, law enforcement, fire fighting and paramedics, can join this team. First Responders, just like in our community, here at Northridge these the ones that assist in emergencies and gives guidance for safety measures in all things.
  • Host Team 
    • This team  is for those who aren't shy and are comfortable  meeting those people who are visiting Northridge for the first time.
  • Hospitality Team
    • Primarily catering to the dream team who are serving and staying for two services, the Hospitality Team, creates snacks, delivers them and cleans up after the snacks are served.
  • NR Kids Team
    •  This team are the ones that invest into the lives of the children of Northridge. From fifth grade to kindergarteners, every service is used to teach God's word, develop worship and guide these children with mentorship.
  • NR Youth Team
    • Sixth grade to  high school seniors, this team is dedicated to setting the example of Christ, teaching God's word and develop worshippers. This team serves   once a week with the Northridge Youth on Wednesday nights.
  • Little Lights (Nursery) Team
    • This team brings ministry to a level toddlers can  understand, Providing Christ like care for infants and new crawlers, while those in preschool learn all about praise and worship and simple principles of Christianity.
  • NR Safety Team
    • This team is dedicated to overseeing our meetings and gatherings watching for those who may be trying to bring harm to anyone on church grounds. Joining this team requires several steps to include the approval of our senior Pastor.
  • Worship Team
    • This is a team musicians, singers and sound techs that work together to deliver powerful worship sets for Sundays, Wednesdays and special occasions.
  • Usher Team
    • This team is available to assist with seating for a service, collections of the offerings and communications closely with the Safety Team if somegthing or someone seems to be a  threat to our people.
  • Production Team 
    • Works to establish awesome worship moments for the entire church to experience. Usually some of the first to arrive, this team goes to the extremes to ensure the very best of worship.
  • Resource Team
    • This team is one that serves the body of the church unseen. Organizing and claiming accountably of seasonal, special event and weekly decor, the resource team  works ensure that when extra or special things are needed these items  can be located and used. Resource team maintains all the closets within the building.
  • Parking Team
    • The first ones visitors see when visiting our church, the Parking team directs traffic keeping the flow moving providing a quick and easy enter and exit of our campus. This team  arrives early before service, setups cones to establish the flow direction of traffic and tears it all down afterwards.
  • Little Lights (Check IN) Team
    • This team is similar to the Host team but enables all parents to receive proper  admittance into our secured nursery.
In House Outreach opportunities  are numerous. It all starts with our Northridge Dream Team who serves the church weekly.  Ready to start being apart of IN HOUSE  outreach "Click Here" to start.