Thanks for your interest in Community  Outreach! Check out al l the different ways you can serve our community  and then fill out the form to let us know which team(s) best fit you! 

Outreach for the widows
-What does this team do? This team is there to assist the widows  in our church, our Cherish Girls. Each  cherish girl has sponsors who are apart  of the Team Cherish. When  physical needs  arise, the cherish team sponsor will put a request out to the Outreach team for the widows..
-When does this team meet: Periodically. The outreach team may be requested to assist with storm damage cleanup at a Cherish Girl's home. This also may include minor home repair projects.
-Are there events that happen frequently? Annually, the team will meet at the church and wash all the Cherish Lady's cars.

Blessing Box Outreach
-What does this team do? This team maintains our blessing box located here on the campus  at Northridge Church..
-When does this team meet? Scheduled inventory of items in our blessing box, with restocking from our blessing box pantry. Periodically host food drives for the collection of more items needed in the blessing box.

Outreach  for Veterans
- What does the team do?  This team is there to honor the veterans in our community and within our church..
- When does this team meet? Usually once a year, on or around Veterans Day, November 11th.
- Are there events that happen frequently? Annually. The team will host a meal  here at Northridge  to honor the veterans.  As well as support a school with veteran day ceremonies providing refreshments to all veterans attending the ceremony.

Schools Outreach
- What does the team do?  This  team will outreach with gifts and snacks delivered to the teachers for appreciation, as well as, works with  the NRKids and NRYouth Pastors to assist local schools.
NRKids outreach goes  into elementary schools when opportunities arise, such as providing and facilitating  Easter-egg hunts, pizza  and ice cream parties.
NRYouth outreach provides meals for the entire  High school football team for all home games. This team will cook, package and deliver the meals. Setup and serve the football team.
- When does the schools team meet?  Opportunities for this team are during the day, so it requires those who are flexible  and available during school hours. All gatherings are notified through email and are specific to the outreach moment. There isn't a commitment to serve on every school outreach moment, but rather, being apart of this team gives you the opportunity to when it presents itself.
- Are there events that happen frequently? Currently the only frequency teacher appreciation days, (beginning and end of the school year) and  the fall football meals.

High School  Concessions Outreach
- What does the team do? This team runs the concession stand located at Heritage High School football stadium. It is separated from the school team  because the serve opportunity is usually Friday  nights, giving those who have daytime jobs can participate.
- When does this team meet? Periodically. During football season the team may be requested to run the concession stand at home games.
- Are there events that happen annually? Usually only during the football season.

Nursing Homes Outreach
- What does the team do? This team is there for an outreach moment with the area nursing homes here in White House.
- When does this team meet? Periodically.  The team would schedule with area nursing homes and determine dates, times, and activities. This is a ministry event with worship and the opportunity for the Word to be preached.
- Are there events that happen frequently?  Most events with the nursing homes are scheduled around major holidays.

Pop-Up Serve Team 
- What does the team do?  This is another outreach team who are  ready when the time comes to serve. Everything from storm clean-up to serving food at an event at the church, and even building the Northridge Christmas float.
- When does this team meet? Only when something pops up.
- Are there events that happen frequently? Annually. Freedom Bash in July, Fall Fest in the fall, and Bold Shine Night in December.